Quote module - different fields

There are 14 different fields available so you can extract all the information you need in the correct format. 

See below for all available fields and how to use them. 

1. Name  This is a text field for the name. It is also used in the salutation of the E-mail communication. 
2. Email This is a field verifying that it is an e-mail address. 
3. Phone This is a field with the check if it is digits. Optionally, you can set your own minimum and maximum number of characters. 
4. Message This is a large text field.
5. Text field This is a small text field. With this you can query e.g. a place of residence or a company name.
6. Number This is a field for numbers. Here you can optionally set your own minimum and maximum number of characters. This is for example for querying a size. 
7. Time This is a field that allows visitors to select a time. 
8. Date This is a field that allows visitors to select a day. 
9. File This field allows you to let visitors upload a file with an application, e.g. a Logo or a CV. It is possible to set which file formats you do and do not want to receive. 
10. Dropdown This is a field that allows visitors to select a choice from a drop-down menu. You can add multiple choices yourself for your visitors. 
11. Selection These fields allow you to present visitors with multiple options, which they can check or uncheck. So here it is possible to select multiple options. 
12. Multiple-choice radio buttons. With this field you can give visitors a multiple-choice option, of which they can choose only one. E.g. for a yes or no question. 
13. Hidden Field A hidden field allows you to add additional information to the form without the visitor seeing it. This is automatically sent along with the request. E.g. what kind of request it is about. 
14. Description This field allows you to add additional information to the form, e.g. an instruction or more context to another field. 

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