Google Analytics Universal - Events

When your Google Analytics account is linked, Futy events are automatically shot to Google Analytics. 

You can find all events in Behavior > Events > Overview

whatsapp chat widget events in google analytics

Futy events (conversions)

Below is an overview of the Futy events shot to Google Analytics:




Futy - Conversions Bot - Contact form submitted The email form is filled in the bot
Futy - Conversions Bot - WhatsApp send button clicked The WhatsApp send button was pressed in the bot
Futy - Conversions Bot - Phone button clicked The call button was pressed in the bot 
Futy - Conversions Bot - Link button clicked A link was clicked via the bot 
Futy - Conversions Bot - Form submitted Through the bot, a (dynamic) form was completed
Futy - Conversions Bot - Calendly event scheduled An appointment was scheduled through the bot via Calendly
Futy - Conversions Bot - Tawk chat started User started a Tawk chat
Futy - Conversions Bot - Tawk offline form submitted The offline form is completed in Tawk
Futy - Conversions WhatApp - Send button clicked The WhatsApp send button was pressed in the WhatsApp widget
Futy - Conversions Email - Contact form submitted The contact form is filled in via the E-mail widget
Futy - Conversions Phone - Link to call clicked The call button was pressed in the Call widget 
Futy - Conversions Bot - Tawk chat started User started a Tawk chat
Futy - Conversions Bot - Tawk offline form submitted The offline form is completed, which is shown at the
time when no one is online in Tawk
Futy - Conversions Bot - WhatsApp form submitted The send button was pressed in WhatsApp form in the widget

Futy - Interactions

With the Futy interactions you can see which buttons in the Leadbot are pressed the most. You can also use the First button click to see how many visitors interact with the Leadbot. 

Here is an overview of the Futy - Interactions events for Google Analytics:





Futy - Sessions Futy session started Futy session started  
Futy - Views Futy initialized Futy initialized Same as page view - Script is executed on a page
Futy - Views [widget name] activated [widget id] - Activated Which widget will be displayed
Futy - Interactions Widget opened by click [widget id] - Opened by click Widget is opened by clicking the toggle icon
Futy - Interactions Widget closed by click [widget id] - Closed by click Widget is closed
Futy - Interactions Bot - Reply button clicked [widget id] - Reply button clicked: [label] A reply button is clicked
Futy - Interactions Bot - First reply button click [widget id] - First reply button click: [label]. The first click on an answer button
Futy - Interactions Bot - Calendly event type viewed [widget id] - Calendly event type viewed Calendly popup is open
Futy - Interactions Bot - Calendly date and time selected [widget id] - Calendly date and time selected A date and time is selected in the Calendly popup
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