
Follow the steps below to implement the Futy Leadbot on your Phoenix website.

Step 1 - Log in to your Phoenixsite account

Step 2 - Go to Settings

Step 3 - Scroll down to "Scripts"

Step 4 - Press + Add Script

Step 5 - Go to your Futy account and then to the "Installation" page. Copy the code. Where is the script in my Futy account?

Stap 6 - Vul de gegevens in en plaats de code Noem het script naam: Futy Locatie: In de <body> tag van je website Type: Functioneel - Geen gebruikerstoestemming nodig

Remove the piece of script that's there and replace that with Futy's copied code

After this, press "+ Add Script"

Step 7 - Set the script to active

Step 8 - View the result on your live website

Is Futy not showing up on your website? 

Then we recommend emptying your Caching and then re-opening your website in the browser. 

👉 Go back to the Installation manuals page

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