Call module - AdCalls integration

1. Login to AdCalls 

Go to your AdCalls account (

On the left side of the menu, click on the phone icon (Call Tracking). Then go to "Locations. Here you will see the AEN code you need to copy. 

2. Login to Futy

In your Futy account in the Leadbot builder, go to the call module and click on the settings icon. 

Then click on the "Other" tab and go to "Call tracking. 

Here you can select AdCalls and enter the AEN code of AdCalls. Once you have entered this code you can activate the call tracking integration via the slider and press 'Save'. 

3. Go to your website

Now when you go to your website. You will see that the call tracking phone number that AdCalls generates is now automatically carried over into Futy Leadbot. 

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