Call module - Qooqie integration

Currently, this is no longer supported due to changes in Qookie and Leadinfo's acquisition of Futy

1. Login to Futy

In your Futy account in the Leadbot builder, go to the call module and click on the settings icon. 

Then click on the "Other" tab and go to "Call tracking. 

Here you can select Qooqie and activate the call tracking integration via the slider and press 'Save'. Of course, you will need an account with for this.


It is important that the phone number set under the 'Label' is identical to the original phone number known to Qooqie. 

When these phone numbers match and Qooqie is activated. You can see on the website that the call tracking phone number generated by Qooqie is now automatically copied into Futy Leadbot. 

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