Tutorial Trigger time setup Google Tag Manager

Walk through the following steps to have the Leadbot loaded onto your website via Google Tag Manager later:

1. Go to https://tagmanager.google.com and log in.
2. Click on 'Trigger' and then 'New'.

3. Give the tag a name, e.g. Load Time Futy Trigger

4 Click on "Trigger Configuration.

5. Scroll down to "Timer.

6. At 'Interval' enter the desired delay time (5000 milli seconds = 5 seconds), enter 1 at 'Limit' (this will load the leadbot 1 time).

7. Enter at: Turn on this trigger when all these conditions are met:
Page URL 'contains' example.co.uk

8. Then click on 'Tags' and on 'New'

9. Under 'Tag Configuration' go to the 'Custom HMTL' option and enter the Futy HMTL code there from the Implementation

10. Link the Load Time Futy Trigger to the 'Trigger' and press save.

11. After this, press 'Send' and load time is set

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