
Once you have designed your own Leadbot or Whatsapp chat, walk through the following steps to place the Leadbot on your Webflow website

1. Go to your webflow account and login to edit your website

If you have a paid Webflow account or if your project has an active site plan, you can add custom code and scripts that apply to your entire site or to individual pages. The Futy script must be added on your entire site, that is, on all pages at once.

2. Go to your Futy account and Login

3. In your account, go to 'Installation' and copy the code. Where is the script in my Futy account?

Webflow: Aangepaste code toevoegen vóór de afsluitende </body>-tag van alle webpagina's:

  1. After logging into your Webflow account, navigate to your website's Project Settings page and click on the Custom Code tab.
  2. Navigate to the Designer Editor and insert an HTML Embed element immediately after the Body tag.
  3. Paste the Futy script into the HTML Embed element you just created in Webflow and click the Save and Close button.

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