Not showing a widget based on a parameter in the URL - via Google Tag Manager

You can perform this via a trigger in Google Tag Manager. See the settings for this below.

1. Log in to your Google Tag Manager account

2. Go to "Variables.

3. Press "New.

4. Name the Variable 'URL - My Parameter'
Component type: query
Query code: route(key) - (example)

5. Press save and go to 'Tags' and press Futy Tag

6. For tiggers, press the paw lead sign and then the '+' sign

7. Name the Trigger "Disable Futy" and press 'Page View'

8. Set in "Some page views" and set in all trigger "URL - My Parameter" contains checkout (example) and say save

9. Then press 'Save' and then send

After this, the set exception rule was triggered.

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