Google Ads - How do I activate the Google Click ID (GCLID) in Futy?

This allows Futy to remember the Google Click ID for up to 90 days after the website visit! When the website visitor goes to another page or returns to the website within 90 days and makes a request, the Google Click ID will be sent along. This allows you to measure conversions even better! 

Wondering what you can do with a Google Click ID (GCLID)?

Follow the steps below to activate the Google Click ID (GCLID) in Futy: 

1. Login to your Futy account and go to the desired'Widget'.

2. Press the button with the form in which you want to process the GCLID. In our example, we'll take a quotation form.

3. In this case, we choose"Sell Property.

4. Click the'edit icon' to the quote form.

5. Press'Add' and select the'Hidden' field. After this, press'Add'.

6. Enter the following information in the hidden field:By Label - Google Click ID or GCLID

By Value - [F_PAR_gclid]

Press "Save.

7. Click'Change order' at the top and move the field to a desired position on the form. After this, press'Save.

8. Then press"Save Changes.

The GCLID is sent along 🎉

From now on, the GCLID will be sent along with the Futy Lead you receive through the mail. Also, when the website visitor goes to another page or returns to the website within 90 days and makes a request, this Google Click ID will be sent along. This allows you to properly measure conversions! 

When you use our Google Sheets integration, the Google Click ID will be sent along with the sheet. This way you can forward the leads with the Google Click ID to a desired system and track the conversions with this GLCID.

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