Send first name visitor along with the widget

It is possible to send someone's first name along with a parameter in the URL. This can be done, for example, when referring someone personally to your website, or from an email campaign.

If you look in the account in the Leadbot's message or widget you will see the following:


The meaning of [F_GREETING]:
This is the greeting that appears in the widget on the website. Based on the time of day, it automatically changes from "good morning" to "good afternoon" and "good evening.

The meaning of [F_NAME]:
This is also related to the greeting on the website. But here you can use someone's first name for this.

Based on a parameter in the URL, you can include someone's first name:

So at our URL, for example, this would become:

When you then e.g. set up an email campaign, linking to your website. Then you can add after the URL of your website a parameter with the first name variable of your e-mail program (depending on which e-mail program you use).

www. voorbeeld .com/?fname={{contact.FIRSTNAME}}

This causes it to take the first name to the website. In the Futy Leadbot, you can then welcome someone to your website with:

"Good morning Anne"
"Can you help with anything?"

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