Schedule onboarding session?

Want to schedule a video call? 

It is possible to schedule a video call where we can set up your account together. In this 30-minute onboarding session, we can help you with: 

  • Setting up your account
  • Advice proper implementation on your website
  • Answering all your questions
  • Demo of all the possibilities with Futy
  • Advice on which package is best for you

Select a convenient time in the calendar using the link below:


Futy onboarding

Want to make video call capability available to your website visitors yourself? 

You can add the video call capability to Leadbot. To do this, you first need to create a Calendly account and pair Futy with Calendly. Check out the tutorial that explains step-by-step how to set up and link Calendly to Leadbot for free: 

👉 Tutorial: Pair Futy with Calendly to schedule video calls

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