Video module - Recording video with Clips

With the app "Clips," you can easily record a video including subtitles from your phone. To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for the app 'Clips'

2. Download the app

3. Open the app and click on the 'screen' icon at the top right
4. Select 'Square' / 'Square' here.

5. Then click the colored star at the bottom right to activate the subtitles.

6. Click on the text cloud and then scroll to the right until you get to "Caption Lower" and select it. 

7. Now it's time to record the video. Hold down the red button to record your video.
8. When you have finished recording, press the thumbnail recording in the lower left corner. 

8. You now see the colored star again, press it to adjust the text. 

9. Click on "Edit text.

10. You can now edit the text. Click on the arrow when you are done. 

11. Click on the 'Save' icon to save the video on your Iphone

12. Click "Save Video.

The video is now saved on your phone. You can now share the video with others from your phone. 

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