
Follow the steps below to install the Futy tool on your duda website.

1. It is easiest to install Futy on duda via Google Tag Manager. For this, you can check out our GTM tutorial.

Not using Google Tag Manager? Then post the Futy script using this way:

1. Login to your account at Futy and go to theInstallation section. 

Press thecopy button and return to Duda.

I don't see the 'Installation' heading in my account?

2.Login to duda and follow the steps below:

Place the code after the opening body tag - Duda

Duda does not currently have a function to place the code directly after the body tag. However, you can paste the code directly into the'body-end.html' file. 

There are two ways to do this, in developer mode or in settings.


Developer mode is not available when editing the site in flex mode.

Paste code directly into the body-end.html file in developer mode:

  1. Klik op het pictogram Ontwikkelaars modus </> in de bovenste balk.
  2. Click Site HTML / CSS to expand the selection.
  3. Click on body-end.html.
  4. Paste the copied Futy code into the last line here.
  5. Save and ready.

Paste code directly into the body-end.html file in the settings:

  1. Click Settings in the left pane.
  2. Click on Header HTML.
  3. Paste the copied Futy code into the Body End HTML field.
  4. Click Save

After saving, Futy is LIVE 🎉

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