
Follow the steps below to install the Futy tool on your Odoo website.

1. The easiest way to install Futy on your website is through Google Tag Manager. For this, you can check out our GTM guide.

Not using Google Tag Manager? Then post the Futy script using this way:

1. Login to your account at Futy and go to theInstallation section. 

Press thecopy button and return to Odoo.

I don't see the 'Installation' heading in my account?

  1. Login to Odoo and follow the steps below:

Leadbot placement via HTML

Om de Leadbot te kunnen gebruiken moet hij geïnstalleerd worden op je website. Voeg de onderstaande code toe aan de body van je website, net boven de </body> tag.

After saving, Futy is LIVE 🎉

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