Editing buttons in Leadbot

You can completely customize the buttons/buttons to your liking. Do this by:

  1. Customize text in the buttons
  2. Buttons to turn on/off
  3. To change the order of buttons
  4. Create featured button

Turning buttons on/off

Turn on/off buttons in the Leadbot by clicking the edit icon next to the buttons. Using the switch you can turn the button on/off. 

In the example below, we turn "Request Quote" OFF, and "Schedule Video Call" ON.

Would you like to add a button? It is not possible to add buttons yourself. We can do this for you. Please send us an email for this at: Support@futy.nl

Changing the order of the buttons

Adjust the order of the buttons in the Leadbot by clicking on the edit icon next to the answer buttons. Then click on "Change order." You can now drag the buttons up and down to the desired order.

Create featured button

Highlight your most important Call-to-Action by making this button a different color. Click on the edit icon next to the response buttons and check the "Highlighted" checkbox. 

Under the "Styling" tab (right), you can adjust the colors and font thickness of the highlighted button.

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