I am not receiving emails

If you are not receiving emails from Leadbot it could be because Futy is not considered "safe. Whitelist support@futy.nl then in your mailbox. 


  1. Login to Gmail, click on the 'cog icon' and then'View all settings'.
  2. Click on "Filters and blocked addresses. Here you will find a list of blocked and safe senders.
  3. Click. on 'create new filter'
  4. Add support@futy.nl in the 'From' field and click 'Create Filter'
  5. Highlight the "Never Send to Spam" box and click "Create Filter.


  1. Go to your inbox and click on the"cog icon" at the top right and then"Show all Outlook settings.
  2. In the settings menu, click on "Junk e-mail. Here you will find a list of blocked and safe senders and domains.
  3. Click'Add' to add support@futy.nl as a safe sender.

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