Google Sheet Integration - Connecting Leads to Salesforce

Follow the steps below to automatically transfer Futy Leads, via Google Sheets, to Salesforce.

1. Login to your Futy account and go to the solution you want to use. In our example, we will use Leadbot Premium.

2. Press request quote and then the edit icon next to the form to edit.

3. Go to 'Other' and see if the label at subject form is filled in.

4. Go to"Settings.

5. Scroll down until you see ' Google Sheets integration' listed. Press'Open Google Sheet.

No Google Sheet linked to Futy yet?

6. Go to your website and do a test quote request.

7. Go to your sheet in your Futy account and look for the label that says"Request for Quote.

8. Go to the following link: and hit'Connect Google Sheets + Salesforce'. Set: New or Updated spreadsheet Row

  1. Choose your Google Sheets account you want to link and press"Continue.

  1. Under "Set up Trigger," select

    Spreadsheet - Futy Leads | (account name) - (space number)Worksheet - Request for Quote (or desired label)

    Then press"Continue.

11. Press Test trigger and then"Continue.

12. Choose your'Event', for now we will take'Add lead to Campaign'

  1. Now link your Salesforce account and press"Continue.

  1. Create a Campaign in Salesforce to track Leads

  1. Choose the Campaign you just chose with a sample lead and press'Continue'

  1. In the Campaign on Salesforce, see if the lead came through.

  1. Now press"Publish & Turn On

    Futy Leads will be forwarded to Pipedrive from now on 🙌.

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