Google Optimize - A/B testing

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Google Optimize, Futy can A/B test. 

Google Optimize is a free tool from Google. With this tool, you can run different tests on your website. For example, you can measure the results of two different versions of your website or two different versions of your widgets. By making choices based on these tests, you optimize your website based on the data from the tests.

Follow the steps below: 

1. Go to your Futy account and login
2. Compile your widget Variant 1
3. Duplicate the widget, adjust the widget if necessary and add 'Variant 2' to the name

4. Go to your Google Optimize account and log in
5. Click on 'Develop Experience'

6. Click on 'A/B test' and name the test

7. Click on "Add Variant.

8. Click on "Edit.

9. Klik rechtsboven op ' < > ' (Add code)

10. Click on "Global JavaScript.

11. Paste the code below into the pop-up

	document.onreadystatechange = function() {
	    if(document .readyState === "complete") {
	        setTimeout(() => {
	        }, 800);

12. Open the Futy dashboard and open the Variant 2 widget
13. Copy the Widget Key

14. Go back to Google Optimize and enter the widget key in the place of 'key' in the code

	document.onreadystatechange = function() {
	    if(document .readyState === "complete") {
	        setTimeout(() => {
	        }, 800);


	document.onreadystatechange = function() {
	    if(document .readyState === "complete") {
	        setTimeout(() => {
	        }, 800);

15. Click Finish and continue with the remaining steps in Google Optimize to start your A/B test. 

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