Changing conditions

Using conditions, you can display different widget variants on the website. How do you set up a widget variant based on a condition?

Step 1: Create new widget

First, create a widget for which you want to set a condition. In this you have 2 options:

  1. Add a new template to your Leadbot overview
  2. Duplicate one of your current Leadbots

(Adjust the Leadbot's name for clarity)

Step 2: Add a condition

Here are some common scenarios for applying a condition:

You have 5 different types of conditions you can add. Create a condition based on:


Allows you to display a widget on specific pages, for example:

  • All vacancy pages: /vacancies
  • All English pages: /en
🕐 Day & time

Allows you to display a widget based on day & time, for example:

  • Outside opening hours: weekday outside 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and weekends
  • Part-time employee: Monday and Tuesday Marieke is the contact person
📱 Device

This is useful for setting a different variant for mobile website visitors, for example:

  • Showing WhatsApp widget: on mobile
🌍 Domain

This is useful when you use multiple languages on multiple toplevel domains, for example:

  • English variant: .com
  • Spanish variant: .es
📆 Date

This is useful when you want to show a different variant during a specific time period, for example:

Henk contact vacation: between Aug. 6 - 24, 2023

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