Frequently Asked Questions
Find quick answers to your question with our frequently asked questions
- What does the free version look like?
- I am over my max number of leads what now?
- Tutorial Trigger time setup Google Tag Manager
- Which package should I choose?
- How do you add additional fields to a form?
- How do other companies use Futy?
- WhatsApp notification: Waiting for this message. Please check your phone
- Why am I receiving WhatsApp messages via email?
- Which package does the WhatsApp widget fall under?
- File out via WhatsApp forms
- What can you do with a Google Click ID (GCLID)?
- What is a Leadbot?
- What are custom Leadbots?
- I am not receiving emails
- I have paid for a quarter but want to change my package. How does that work?
- How can I reverse the VAT?
- How does the settlement take place when changing your package?
- Can I control the widget using javascript?
- Can I make changes after I install the code on the website?
- The trigger does not work